The carbon footprint of (nearly) everything

You might be looking for ways to cut your carbon footprint, but do you have any idea how much of an impact your current lifestyle has on the environment around you?

Three ways to cut your carbon footprint

To help you go greener, and potentially bring your household bills down in the process, here are three carbon-cutting suggestions:

1. Replace your old boiler

If you have an old gas or oil boiler, think about replacing it with a new energy-efficient model. This will help you to lower carbon emissions, as well as save cash over the long term. According to the EPA, you could be able to save more than $200 each year on your heating costs by investing in a new, high-efficiency boiler.

2. Invest in renewables

If possible, harness renewable energy sources in your home. Options can include photovoltaic systems, solar thermal systems and numerous other renewable ways to provide your home with electricity, heating and hot water. These systems can pay for themselves over time with the amount of fuel saved.

3. Improve your insulation

Make sure your property is well insulated and draft proofed. Depending on the type of home you have, you may benefit from wall insulation, roof and attic insulation, floor insulation and draft proofing.

Reducing your carbon footprint isn't always easy, but with the knowledge of what impact different items have and a few tips on reducing your waste, you can do your bit to help the planet.

Note: CO2e is a term used to express different greenhouse gases as a common unit, and it offers a simple way to show the carbon footprint of pretty much anything. For any type and quantity of greenhouse gas produced, CO2e refers to the carbon dioxide that would have the equivalent impact in terms of global warming.




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